Thursday, November 17, 2005

Meanwhile in Juneau

All is well, very well considering how close the end of the semester is, and how busy I am with king island.. quite plausibly I could be feeling a lot less happy and a lot more stressed, and yet I'm not. I'm in a pretty happy spot right now and that's really good. I have a ton of pictures and I haven't taken the time to learn how to put them up here, I'm sure it's simple so maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow.. I thought I'd post something up here anyway though in case any lonely people in west virginia were reading this. King Island is going well, We're getting near the homestretch I guess, so that's nice. We did a stumble/run through the show last night and I was very pleasantly suprised by how it went. There were actually quite a few moments that I was excited by, and "Whistle to the Northern Lights" was just beautiful. I admit I was skeptical of this show, but now I find myself singing the songs all the time... It does seem a little like brain washing though considering how much I have to hear them during the week.. I'm saturated by it. It got rainy today, wet wet rain instead of juneau misting, and I loved it! It was a lot warmer today too. So many days here I feel like the weather matches my mood- so cool! Now we just need to have a lot of snow in a couple of weeks.

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