Monday, January 29, 2007

I mean, Come! On!

Seriously people, For the love of all that is good- Please, why must people talk and be loud and disrepectful and generally like animals that should be firebombed? I was in Trig this morning and finally someone yelled over the roar "Can you not talk during the entire class please?" to the most obnoxious leader in talking, and they did. It was really competing with the teacher teaching.. I just hate some of the kids at school sometimes, but I guess I should really hate the public school system that created them... and I do, oh I do! It's just amazing how old these people can make you feel, because they continue to act like toddlers who don't have a choice over whether to be in school or not.. and rotten evil toddlers at that.... But not to be too negative or cynical- toddlers are good right?
I just got back from Clown Camp- this was my second time, and it was delightfully restorative just as before. Really Wonderful, truly. It was incredibly beautiful this Saturday as well, blue skies and sun, and what better way to enjoy than to wander around outside in the woods blindfolded with a clown nose on? Answer: None!
But in anycase the transistion back to the "real world" is tiring, (but good) and so I'm going to call it a night.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Abraham Lincoln

was not that attractive actually. I saw a picture the other day where he was straight up u-g-l-y, and he totally did NOT have an alibi. I'm just saying is all, that I don't think his personality would have made up for it either, Therefore the conclusion is I would totally not hit that. Thanks to History 132 for helping to lead me to make that bold decision, though if we get nitpicky with it, I did hear that he a was a sickly kind of guy, and probably in pain a lot of the time, and so I feel pretty bad about that.. my apologies, linclinc. Anyway, that plus seeing a lot of him has somehow inspired me to use him a point of reference for my current love life, and I am currently writing a song, called Abraham Lincoln to address recent situations that may not have turned out to my advantage.
In other news, my brother turned 23 yesterday, can't really wrap my head around that one too well. We went out after he got done with Question of Mercy, now playing on the second stage at the theatre, definitely go check it out, and I saw the Rory show- which was fantastic of course, check him out at northern light again sometime after TOMMY closes. Anyway, good times, good people, glad to see him and Ericka back in town.. Overall it was a really nice night. More soon, we'll be back in touch with the internet on tuesday in our house, and that will be good.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

If I only could...

What? I don't know- that title doesn't really refer to anything in specific... there's lots I'm sure that I would do if I only could, but who wants to go into it? not this guy.
I'm sitting here sniffling and snorting, sounding much like bear the dog when he's happy, only I'm not overly excited about being a phlegmish factory of sorethroatdom- but so it goes.. in brighter news- I went to see the opening of Raven Odyssey on saturday night, J. Herrmann awesome person extroidinare hooked up some awesome tickets, and awesome levi kept me company, and the show was just awesome- So I was pretty much surrounded by awesomeness.
No, seriously, the show was fantastic. It's funny, it's serious, it's touching, and it's really just full of great stories. I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did at all.. I totally want to see it again. Jake Waid who plays the title character of Raven is amazing in it. He really has a touch of something, and is very very funny. I was filling the theatre with my distinctive (I guess) laugh all through out the first act, because I was congratulating another one of the actors after the show and they said they could hear where I was sitting because of it. Not to let Jake steal all the glory, the rest of the cast is very enjoyable as well. Kalani something or other is an out of towner who is very enjoyable as well, Alan, all of them! I don't know how this turned into a quasi review with some names sprinkled in, but if anyone in juneau reads this and hasn't seen the show, I give it my total recomendation.
I went to a going away party for someone after the show, that was fun. It evolved into another party, with the bonus addition of a super duper fun friend being in from out of town, actually lots of fun people being in town, and it turned out to be one of the most most fun nights I've had recently. Truly a good time, and I love when that happens.
The snow continues, and I'm still enjoying it very much. I found an apartment downtown, and so though I'm sad to be saying goodbye to the fritz cove house I loved so well, I'm very excited about moving downtown, and living with Kirsa and Corin again.
I guess there is a lot more I could say, this started out being a post about monopoly jr. and how much lamer that is than monopoly, and I didn't get anywhere near saying that, although now I guess I just did.. don't really feel a need to elaborate do I? I think anyone in their sane mind knows that it's true. In any case I guess I could go on and on at the moment, but I think I'm going to turn my attentions towards finishing this movie that I started the other day, because I'd hate to only see half, and I really should go to sleep because I hear that besides laughter it's like the #2 medicine..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

News Flash

I just made a creamy delicata squash soup, and it was amazing! And then someone called and I was on the phone, and I made this weird pizzaesque creation from what was in the fridge, that was also really good- but I'm not hungry. I just wanted to cook stuff. I was like a muppet with the strings being pulled wildly left and right as I existed in a cloud of flour. Fun.
Also: The Kinks are apparently truly truly good to listen to. I love it. During this break, Kirsa has been a downloading fiend, and there is so much good music and I love it when a lot of it is by one band or person, and I find something new to love. Example number 2: The Bee gees have so many songs I have loved all my life and I didn't know they were all by them- how crazy.
Read a good play tonight too, and now have to go sleep soon, because I have work tomorrow. And as annie says, the sun will come out, tomorrow- and I'm betting my bottom dollar because I'm stressed and depressed (not too much though) about money and school and all kinds of things. So it's time to stick out the chin and grin and pack organic vegetables. Ooh, another bright note, I talked to a friend I hadn't spoken with in a while and that was great. And bear the dog seems to be doing well too. I'll focus on the positives here, and catch you all on the flippy flop.

Bring it, 2007!

Happy New Year! I had a fantastic new years eve this cusp, which included kicking it with my siblings, dancing, drinking, and kissing half of juneau- in a good not gross way of course. Actually looking back, the whole ding dang night (to borrow a kirsaism) was pretty humour filled- and most of the time I can't ask for more than that. I also totally wore the awesome velvety moleskinny trippilly trimmed shirt/dress that did get made in time! With the sunglasses at night and a whole lot of beads and rings and boots to complete the picture plus a bottle of champagne in my hand, it seemed to go over rather well. Will post picture as soon as convenient. I came home early in the morning and found the underaged (not 21 yet) wonder twins in my bed, and had a lovely snuggle to sleep... and I just kept on sleeping all day! It was great... hung out with friends later this evening, and sampled the latvian dumplings i made in the absence of my mother being here in juneau to make them for me, and they actually came out pretty deliciously.

the point now is that, also- after having talked to my pops today, I might have finally come to some peaceful posistion in my soul that will enable me to be in the right frame of mind for school and life, but I say its tentative... but fingers crossed- and so my release to the press- my take home message for 2007- is bring it on. I'm ready for you pal, and we're going to mix it up with the whole god damn crew, scrapping and mixing it up (a scrapadoodle if you will) and loving every god damn minute of it.