Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve!

Can you believe that? I almost can not! But I do. I guess. It just hit me the other day when thinking of what other Christmas errands that I still must attend to, that back in the little kid days, you always had a good buffer of time to warn you when Christmas was here- You start counting down at least a month away (or at least I did) but when you get all adult-y with adult-y things to do, it sneaks and creeps its way up on you! Wild! So here I am in Juneau, where all three Hughes-Skandijs will be staying to celebrate this year. We are embracing it, and creating traditions that are select things from the year before last when we were all here. It is nicer this time because the parents already have tickets to come visit in January, so that is not too long a time to wait, and in general I am filled with the holiday spirit and excitement this year. Deliciously smelly Christmas tree, check. Cranking the Christmas music, check. Being left at home all day long to drink endless pots of coffee and bake, check. So it is a merry time indeed. Dear Levi just got into town yesterday,and Clay some days before so I was up a bit too late celebrating last night and slept pretty hard today. That is probably what school breaks are for though. (In a sense).
I have mentally blogged so many updates since October that it is ridiculous! I need to actually translate that to my fingers and computer sometimes, but that is where it requires time for me to sit down and do it, instead of while I'm strolling, driving, etc. I also think I will go back and play catch up, especially when I've taken the time to take corresponding pictures, but if I never do- a bit of a summary of the last months: October and November had a bunch of really fun weekends including Halloween, which was awesome! Bluegrass at the Alaskan and I was Robin the boy wonder, so I got to swish about in a cape all night. In November, some visiting Ceramicists came to town as part of the 20/20 vision exhibit at the state museum, and did lots of cool demos at the school and hung out all week. The first Friday in November was tops, and I got so Excited about pottery! I can not wait to get into the studio in January and get my hands on some clay! It's going to be great fun I am sure. We went to Adrienne's Family house with josh for Thanksgiving, and it was very nice. We watched the simpson's movie at home and fell asleep on the couches, and you can't ask for more than that... Then, before you knew it, November turned into freak out time rushing into December, and Finals were SO Crunk! Talk about some high pressure studying. In the end, I came through it all, with two b's and a c. (and I passed seminar). At this point in my academic career, O.K is ok with me! GPA be damned. I'm sorry GPA. I'll try harder. But seriously, it was a very enjoyable semester, if stressful at times, with awesome subjects and awesome teachers, so i was pleased. Plus, I can't imagine it can get toooo much worse (I'm sure I'll regret saying that) so now graduating seems more doable than it did before. Next semester I'm going to have the same line up of teachers basically, so that'll be good- plus the super fun addition of Beginning Ceramics with J. Kane. Not way more to report than that, I've been enjoying the break, sleeping, cooking, etc. We have had nearly 2 weeks of sunshine it seems, followed by snow yesterday, and then BLAMMO Sunshine again today! It's unbeatable. I have been loving every bit of it, most especially at night when you can see the glorious stars night after night in a row. I have seen so many shooting stars in the last days, and I can not help feeling more than ever that I am so lucky to live in such a beautiful paradise. Starting with the very first day of break, (or maybe actually during the last day of finals) it has become a thing to fill a thermos with something warm (with warming qualities?) and go find a place to watch the sunset. I love making this a part of the day, and they have been spectacular. It reminded me of being on vacation in the Keys growing up, and how everyone would stop down there to watch the sunset. Why don't we always take a moment to watch the sun set and rise? We would all be better for it I'm sure. Good Lord don't i sound like a hippie right now. Ha. Speaking of which we are past solstice so now the days will start getting longer, hoorah! Anyway, one of the days that boni and I were watching the sunset, we saw jellyfish on the beach, eagles, seals who stayed and frolicked just off the shore, and... WHALES! So exciting. Planes flying over, boats in the distance.... honestly, what more could you want?
Anyway, this is turning into a marathon ramble, so maybe I better leave it for now. I should likely go shower my Beethoven-ian locks, which smell like smoke, thanks brady- and take a stroll on the flume. Maybe less disjointed more frequent posts over break? stay tuned.

