Saturday, October 29, 2005


I felt like I needed some picture right away or It looks naked, so this is me kissing a dead bear right before school started... tomorrow ill put up new pictures of all the fun stuff i did tonight.

Gettin back in the game

I think it's time to get back into the world of commenting about my life, neglecting to comment for weeks on end, and all the while thinking how terribly witty I am- Or more like, having a webspace back up for pictures for the family to see.. but either way- cue gunfire noises because I'm back baby! It's always so very strange to figure out the tone of these things in the beginning especially.. right now for example I feel like a hobo muttering to myself in a snowy/slushy back alley of some big city.. but that's about normal I guess.. Anyway- let the brillance begin.