Saturday, December 30, 2006

A little late, but still the holly jolly season.

Merry Christmas 2006. A few days after the fact I know.. This was a unique christmas for me, primarily because it's the first one ever that I haven't spent with my immediate family together. I was very lucky indeed to have Kirsa and Corin here with me, but I did miss my parents something awful. And the rest of my family too of course-Also new this year was the fact that I spent it here in Juneau.. there was slushy snow the day of and the week leading up to it, and it's a bonus you can just look up at the mountains at any point and have a white christmas. The three of us kids spent the eve and day of xmas festivities at the house of a dear friend here who also wasn't able to go home for christmas, and I really did have a lovely time considering. I called my family at home and then rocked it juneau stylie. I got some awesome presents, I think every single one was a goodie- really thoughtful peoples, thanks. I did all of my shopping on christmas eve, literally.. which was a good time. On the day we made lasagna, tiramisu, and watched movies.. later opened presents- christmas music.. Good times all around...We had some laughs, and for someone who is opposed to change as much as I am, it really ended up being quite a nice comprimise to going home..which is largely due to our sweet sweet friend making it feel so familial. I'll post a picture or two once I get them onto my computer.

In other news, have I mentioned, (I'm sure I have..) that I threw my back out something awful playing eskimo games with the cast of Raven? I am just a pathetic old biddy who can't lift her legs above knee level when sitting down, and who gets great twinges of electrickk! Pain!! when she rolls her head around.. still- I continue mostly full speed ahead, and I have assured myself it'll mend itself in due time.

So It's ALSO about to be 2007, which freaks me out.. time is going entirely too too fast. And I shan't celebrate the holiday if I don't get off here and finish this weird tunic-y garment I'm making for the very occasion, because Levi showed me too many pictures of different clothes from his endless doors books, and now I simply must have one fore new years. But that's means getting going and crackalackin.. not sleeping in all afternoon after hanging out all night with my out of town, now back in town for christmas, friends.

Finally, I'm also in a great muddle about school currently. I'm still loving the learning process, and I made the vow earlier this year to be cooler than all of my crazy constantly dropping out of school friends (not that everyone who stops in crazy, you know who you are crazy people) (back to back with the parentheticals, why I am friends nearly exclusively with crazies btw?) But annyway, I'm just as jazzed as I should be about the beginning of the new semester- and I'm all torn up about what I want to study, what's easy to study, how much school costs, how much time it takes, why am I such a screw up, and on and on and on it goes... Well, no use thinking about it now I suppose.. I'll just file the butterflies away and have a private little freak out later.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

So, I was thinking...

Earlier today I was looking at some assorted posts through out the internet from those unfortunate souls who wax poetic, (very poorly) sometimes with annoying- sometimes with comedic results about their sad lives, or their meaningful thoughts, or really deep issues that just get them down, you know mannn? Well, I put that forth as a disclaimer, because I in no way mean to be them, or reflect the glow from their tragic dying sun- BUT

I was just searching through my old email for something, and found an email to a friend I had written that sounded like a younger, happier, better version of myself- from only a year ago. So I digged deeper through the emails to find what the variable was that made me seem so much fresher than now, and the more I read, I found letters that sound 10 times wittier, more insightful, with healthier activies than I currently possess, and I thought- geez....

I'm getting worse, not better with age. I like each older version of myself better, which I guess means I like the subsequent versions worse each time.. Isn't that lame? I don't want to have a pity party, but cmon, that's sad. I'm a helium balloon that's abandoned in the living room and slowly fading and sinking to the level of the carpet.
But I don't think this is just some aging thing either.. It's not a "Oh, I wish I was young me again" because even at the tender juvenile stage of 21, I've already had those moments.. and it's not that... we're talking about the span of a year here... it seems as if the doctor may be entering the room to tell me about my rare condition, the tests have come back, and then he says "I'm sorry Ms. Hughes-Skandijs, the results were positive... you're getting lamer."

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This is but a taste of the terror Saruman will unleash!

I call these images, pictures of the sky..and Alicia skye. Get it? Get it? Yeah, I know, not that spectacular- but different than the ones I see here.

It's also clear at this point that I go for pictures of water and sky.. I could take boring pictures of that all day long when I get near it. Thank goodness I've relocated to Juneau so I can do just that with my readings and manifest experience collecting such images for the general sovereignty.. whoops, my shakespeare final scene creeps into my language... but seriously, anything better than billy shakes? I think not. The best part about drinking with other theatre types is that you can really let the shakespeare fly to help express yourself as you get progressively drunker, but this is also the catch 22 why theatre types are not fun to drink with... aha. I feel my razor sharp wit is very dull at the moment, so I'll spare you until later when I've gotten a good nights sleep. Maybe it has something to do with Kirsa playing "We are the world" an oldie but a hilariousy, and far more star studded than I remembered... One quick note, the pic with the jet skis is cool because it looks black and white but was taken on color and the sun was so bright it bleached everything out. freaky.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm a mess in a dress

and I've got things to say! if people would only listen! Brentisms aside, I really do have things to say, but I also have past due papers to write.. So here's the plan- I stay on this green futon until they're done and then Its finally fucking over, no more fall semester. You stay where ever you are and find something fun to do- but come back soon and listen to me. Dealio? things to look forward to include landfills worth of my thoughts and reflections, (yeah I said reflections, because I really do reflect to be honest) including my thoughts on Speech and Debate, I'll rip off kirsa's blog, no shame, my thoughts on UAS finals and staff, and a Chris Cairns themed photo show to document his recent visit to the AK. I'm getting a little crazy with it and even considering a show of some summer pics, because they're fun and I never did put them up then. God, how can I go on and on and on here and not write a line for an assignment. So it goes.