Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What's going on?

1) Currently in rehearsals for The Eight: Reindeer Monologues- The next show on the second stage, a delightful adult Christmas comedy, directed by yours truly.

2) Classes winding down, with a pretty good idea of exactly what's expected of me in the next few weeks, which should make the doing all the easier, but somehow, it's still oh so easy to slip into paralysis, like I'm doing right now with a paper that I've put off for far too long

And I have a head ache, but I'm happy, and tomorrow is thanksgiving, so have a happy one where ever and who ever you are. I hope mine is good, it kind of has a lot to live up to based on previous juneau years.

Oh, and if anyone wants to sponsor me going home for christmas this year, that would be great.

more soon.