Wednesday, October 29, 2008

this is why I don't goof off on school nights!

I'll tell you something- you could probably literally power a small city or a space ship right now, if you could just figure out how to harness the energy of how much I do *not* want to do my homework. I have a lot of homework, partly because that is how this semester rolls, and also partly because I goofed off last night and didn't get anything done that I normally would on a Tuesday night. I did enjoy a beer at squires with my sister, and I did enjoy hanging outside the ceramics room firing up the pizza kiln with boni, but neither one of these activities was at all useful to physics, linear, or calculus. On top of it all, my physics class and seminar class were canceled today, so i had lots of time to get on top of it all- but instead here i am trying to catch up, and hating every minute of it ( hate is a strong word, perhaps being mildly uncomfortable with it would be better) I feel like someone laced my coffee this morning with five year old style temper tantrum powder, (if there is such a thing), because I am consumed with how much I don't want to do what I have to do right now. If I would just do it, it would all be over.
So it goes. I guess.
I will just cross my fingers and trust that if i go for a run later, get some good sleep tonight, and a cup of coffee in the morning, that tomorrow I will be back on the happy student train.



Monday, October 06, 2008

Have you ever

taken a sip of your coffee, and then thought- man that tastes a little rotty... i should have cleaned it out better before i poured the coffee in this morning. Yeah, me too. Just now. It is so nice outside right now, SO nice! I wish I was skipping through a meadow with the dogs, and not at school, not at work, not taking a calc test later... Oh well, guess I'll just have to be contented with the loveliness of the day.
wish me good vector parameterization thoughts.



Sunday, October 05, 2008

I have to say, it's been a good day

I am feeling awfully snuggly sitting here on a comfy couch in some jam jams after a lengthy dog petting/defurring/cuddling/being joyously screamed at session with two of my favorite dogs, Kita and Suka. I can't believe it is already past midnight, the day has gone by quickly, been full, and it's a pretty good Saturday all in all.
I got up at 10 this morning and went to try out a class at the new Yoga place that just opened in the Valley, Tap Root Yoga. It's a super sweet studio, and I actually really enjoyed the class. It was the perfect blend of centering yourself deep breath mental stuff mixed with challenging poses and good stretches. A perfect way to start the day! I went to the store and got juice and bacon and then went home to wake adro up and make breakfast. It was good and tasty. I've been making semi elaborate breakfasts recently... what can I say? It is the best meal of the day. We got our xtra tufs on and went to Auke rec with Josh and Sarah and the doggies. A good time was had by all, really beautiful out there, we had some stick chasing on the beach with the dogs, and I slipped and fell on some tree roots on a pretty steep incline. Ouch, not a biggie, but I anticipate a biggie bruise to match my instant skin abrasions. Then there was a swoosh and time seemed to go really fast, probably just from showering and the beach being so nice. There was a period of intense scheming on how to go camping tonight, but then in the end i freaked out about the lack of homework that I'd gotten done so far, as well as having a matinée to do tomorrow, and so instead we went to the Thai place for dinner with josh and Erik. I always stick to my same order (as it is so good) but today I branched out and got TWO new items. I highly recommend the deep fried tofu, as well as the shrimp in a blanket. How can you resist the name?! From Chan's we scooped up Sarah, lost adro, and went downtown to do the show. It was nice to have J and S sitting front and center, and in fact we had a full sold out house. With this kind of play, that is so much nicer for performing.. So the show was good, and afterwards we rejoined Adro at the blue door to sample Ali's latest baking successes. Much was the laughter had, and we got our house cat like people watching moment in for the day. Now I am back at the house, and marveling at how the day went, and dreaming of how good sleep is going to feel. Nothing to do tomorrow, but the final show at the theatre! How exciting, can't believe it's the last one. And then to physics homework, Calculus study for the test on monday, (eek!) and various other assignments. A hike, or extended walk will be in order as well I predict.
Basically, thank goodness I live like a king. Because it is nice!



Wednesday, October 01, 2008

an open letter to my sister

Hanging out here, a lone Hughes-Skandijs in Juneau, (Kirsa and Corin are still on the lovely autumn-y east coast) I recently got the chance to read kirsa's newly updated blog- (link to it on the other side) and it got me laughing, as it normally does, but what I really wanted to say is Dag, girl is obsessed with physics! Which is surely, I guess, a goodly thing to be obsessed with. It affects us in so many ways- like take this morning for example, when I forgot to set an alarm, and Adrienne left me soundly slumbering in the house, and I missed physics class. That had a pronounced effect on the rest of my day. I felt frazzled, and like a screw up! No, but seriously.. that happened today, and then I has a semi allergic type reaction occuring on my face wherein my face started puffing, eyes getting swollen and the like, at which point I took Benedryl, terrible idea.. it left me drugged and sleepy for the rest of the day- But the real *event* of the morning, would be the 20 minutes I spent alone in the house looking for my car keys, thinking "This day has finally arrived, I have places to be and things to do, and I am trapped! Like an elderly! I will no longer be able to function with out a helper!" I did find them and made it to seminar only slightly late, and then to linear as well... Turned my homeworks in, apologized to work for not coming, tried to apologize/ get the scoop on what I missed in physics but the teacher was gone, so I called it a day and went off campus earlier than usual- and came home to do things I rarely do during the week, such as catch up on kirsa's blog. Being home doing nothing for a while has helped to calm my rattled nerves.
- On a different note, but also school-y subject, (as so many things are when one is student)
My mind is being BLOWN right now, in a good way, by the combination of classes I am taking. It just turned out through a series of events and life that I am taking these classes together, since I should be closer to graduating, and contemplated taking some of these earlier, and didn't get to, But thank goodness! I highly highly recommend should you ever get the chance, taking : Linear Algebra, Calculus III, and Physics, all at the same time. They mesh together so well it is just ridiculous... and having a familiarity with whatever concept the teacher is introducing most of the time, is like a constant sense of something being on the tip of your brain's tongue, except it's something you were just introduced to, so not entirely, but in a pleasant way! It's almost like some crazy conspiracy revealing itself to you about the entire universe, it makes you want to take your shirt off and run outside screaming "It's vectors man! It's all vectors!" Or components, or circular motion, whatever.. take your pick.
Of course the really hilarious thing about this, is that in this movie, (starring me, of course) the protagonist is not really clever/educated/experienced enough to figure out the conspiracy, so I mumble at bus stops about vectors, and write equations on chalkboards when I'm cleaning the school at night, but in the morning when a professor comes in and thinks , "Good lord! Did that cleaning lady write that? " they then think "She made all kinds of mistakes, she didn't even take the derivative right".
ha ha ha.
I'm late for the show now. thank goodness it's the last week.

