Monday, May 11, 2009

Its the good life... take it in

After waking up gently from my dream filled slumbers this morning to find my legs all warm from being in a patch of direct sun streaming in the window, and simultaneously enjoying the fresh breeze blowing in through the open window- I thought, this is the life. After doing some light straightening up of the house (the dishes were about to start a revolution) I am now enjoying some vegetables scrambled eggs, and a cup of dead man's reach, and listening to some Marley.
What I realize out of all of this morning, and these last few days as well, is that- I am so cut out for a life of leisure. Some people can't hang with having the whole day to enjoy yourself, but I most certainly can. Give me the day, and I will fill it with things that I enjoy. In the last few days I've gotten the old stringed instruments back out, gone to the beach, read for pleasure, bbqed, gone out for drinks with friends, listened to great bands, danced, even watched a movie! If I had all the time to do such things, I would definitely keep myself amused. Ah well, someday... This all being said, the next thing on my list to do today is to go drop off some job applications, for the sad truth is that I am cut out for a life of leisure, but not bankrolled to support one. And so I must get a job.
If I never chronicle finals week more properly, (I know the last post was rather ominous) then allow me to say, I passed all my classes! And I was SO excited! and SO very happy! and perhaps passing doesn't sound like the height of academia, but you know what? For me, with this degree, at this point that is more than enough. All I want to do is continue to get through these guys, and continue enjoying them, which I did enjoy all of my classes very much this semester. So GPA be damned.
And so now the deal is to find a summer job, continue enjoying the epic summer, and maybe figure out a trip somewhere in july sometime...
more soon.



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