Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Second Week of School.

And I have now officially missed my first class of physics. Because I overslept. Because I don't remember my alarm going off. Good things for sisters who wake you as they leave so you don't miss geometry too, but you know what.... this is going to be a semester long rockblock of woe methinks.




Matt Heavner said...

and it was such a good physics class! We talked about the symmetry of the universe, time symmetry and the second law of thermodynamics, and Gauss's Law (how to avoid doing hard integrals). good luck w/ that 8am stuff. it will be worth it!

Kirsa said...

8 AM is the only way to do it!!! It's how you prove your love of physics to the discipline and to yourself...just be smarter than me and avoid the pitfall of making it through the semester only to find yourself incapable of making to class when you get to the juicy bits at the end - Heisenberg, I'm looking at you and your foxy lederhosen.