Sunday, September 28, 2008

More Recently

It has been pleasantly autumn-y in Juneau. Today was a departure from that back towards the misty rainy end of things, and that was enjoyable too. I spent today working my way through a pot of coffee and a pile of homework. I took some time to make breakfast, pick up the house a little, and do the dishes. How Pleasant to have the house in some sort of order before the week begins anew.
And how easily pleased I am lately by just having the time to do such things. It makes me think that once this show (Government Inspector at Perseverance Theatre) is over, I will be quite quite happy, having a seeming abundance of time.. It ends next weekend, and I'm pretty excited for it. It's been fun, and it's a good group of people.. but I just need more time for homework, and for being at home, doing other things in general. I'm writing this using the wireless connection from the dressing rooms, which has been a godsend- for wasting time, for playing with Rosetta stone, and for doing homework on web assign- speaking of which, is due at 2am tonight. So I better get back to it.. just a break to write about the mundane events of my life in case anyone was jonesing for an update. Maybe I'll get a slow spot midway through the week and throw up some pictures... promises promises.



Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Breaking News from the Frontlines

I do love physics and all that... and me and calculus and vectors have been hanging out alot recently- especially since I have my first test on Tuesday- but dang all if it is not the most perfect day of being really satisfying-ly rainy and beautifully fall season outside, and would I not like anything better than to curl up and take some naps, do some reading, more naps, walks outside and puttering! But instead, I report from Egan Library where I am trying to shake the nappy feeling, and focus on my calculus. It is a b-i-tch my friends. It's a good faith effort for sure, but i really don't think it'll help my test grade if I don't suceed in my concentration soon.

We'll see how it goes.


This Just In!

I love Physics!

more soon.
