Ok, So I totally need to write a blog to catch you up on life, but I am not doing that right now. What I need to do right now is get something off my mind. And it is this:
I HATE losing to poor sports. I may not like to lose in general, but god damn do I hate losing to a poor sport.
I've had a super enjoyable season of playing co-ed softball for the Tram sponsored team, The Slammers. We have not been a top of the league team by any means, so we are totally familiar with enjoying the games win or lose, having some laughs, and doing it just for the hell of it. This is after all co-ed summer softball in the lowest league, so no pressure. And as the season has progressed, we have gelled as a team, started winning some games, figuring out what our strengths and weaknesses are, and really just coming together, which has been super fun too.
So, tonight, last game of the season for me (more on why in a different post, I'm taking a trip) - We're playing the number one team in the league, who we've played before, and we're thinking.. let's git this done, and beat the hell out of this team- and we go out there and we play a great game, and so do they, it is filled with exciting innings of great plays and errors by both teams- tight defense and impressive offense all around, which culminated with them winning by one run in the last inning. And that would be totally ok, if not for their yelling at the umpire when they disagreed with a call, and arguing balls and strikes multiple times.
It is totally not attractive to lose your head and let your feathers get ruffled when you are behind. And it's so not cool to argue with the umpire. Bad show Seabreeze, bad show. And that made losing sting in a whole new way.
Ahhh, ok. I feel better now after sharing that, the anger sharks are no longer in control of the ocean of my mind. Actually, that calm might be coming from the dvd of Huey Lewis and the News Videos Kirsa just put on. No joke. If you've never seen any of the videos, youtube them, they are seriously insane, and funny. And the music is divine... but you already knew that.
More Soon.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Its the good life... take it in
After waking up gently from my dream filled slumbers this morning to find my legs all warm from being in a patch of direct sun streaming in the window, and simultaneously enjoying the fresh breeze blowing in through the open window- I thought, this is the life. After doing some light straightening up of the house (the dishes were about to start a revolution) I am now enjoying some vegetables scrambled eggs, and a cup of dead man's reach, and listening to some Marley.
What I realize out of all of this morning, and these last few days as well, is that- I am so cut out for a life of leisure. Some people can't hang with having the whole day to enjoy yourself, but I most certainly can. Give me the day, and I will fill it with things that I enjoy. In the last few days I've gotten the old stringed instruments back out, gone to the beach, read for pleasure, bbqed, gone out for drinks with friends, listened to great bands, danced, even watched a movie! If I had all the time to do such things, I would definitely keep myself amused. Ah well, someday... This all being said, the next thing on my list to do today is to go drop off some job applications, for the sad truth is that I am cut out for a life of leisure, but not bankrolled to support one. And so I must get a job.
If I never chronicle finals week more properly, (I know the last post was rather ominous) then allow me to say, I passed all my classes! And I was SO excited! and SO very happy! and perhaps passing doesn't sound like the height of academia, but you know what? For me, with this degree, at this point that is more than enough. All I want to do is continue to get through these guys, and continue enjoying them, which I did enjoy all of my classes very much this semester. So GPA be damned.
And so now the deal is to find a summer job, continue enjoying the epic summer, and maybe figure out a trip somewhere in july sometime...
more soon.
What I realize out of all of this morning, and these last few days as well, is that- I am so cut out for a life of leisure. Some people can't hang with having the whole day to enjoy yourself, but I most certainly can. Give me the day, and I will fill it with things that I enjoy. In the last few days I've gotten the old stringed instruments back out, gone to the beach, read for pleasure, bbqed, gone out for drinks with friends, listened to great bands, danced, even watched a movie! If I had all the time to do such things, I would definitely keep myself amused. Ah well, someday... This all being said, the next thing on my list to do today is to go drop off some job applications, for the sad truth is that I am cut out for a life of leisure, but not bankrolled to support one. And so I must get a job.
If I never chronicle finals week more properly, (I know the last post was rather ominous) then allow me to say, I passed all my classes! And I was SO excited! and SO very happy! and perhaps passing doesn't sound like the height of academia, but you know what? For me, with this degree, at this point that is more than enough. All I want to do is continue to get through these guys, and continue enjoying them, which I did enjoy all of my classes very much this semester. So GPA be damned.
And so now the deal is to find a summer job, continue enjoying the epic summer, and maybe figure out a trip somewhere in july sometime...
more soon.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Crackle, Hiss, Intercom pops and hisses to life, weary voice comes through:
"One more, Thursday at five it'll all be over, one way or another... it doesn't look good, we're loosing a lot of blood here.... sunshine though. Did you guys see the sunshine?"
"One more, Thursday at five it'll all be over, one way or another... it doesn't look good, we're loosing a lot of blood here.... sunshine though. Did you guys see the sunshine?"
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Heartaches of Mushmouth Mcgee
I think I am approaching the limit of un-understandability. I seem to spend countless time repeating myself lately, I think at first everyone I know is being a jerk, but then I realize they really have no idea what I just said. Then when I hear myself on film, even I don't understand myself. Dang. I am going to have to start enunciating, and speaking up in volume. Everyone will think I am Eliza Doolittle-ing myself- and they will be right.
I an soo tired at school today, and I think I really must go take a nap on the couch now.
I an soo tired at school today, and I think I really must go take a nap on the couch now.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Make Pork While The Sun Shines
Or was it hay? Or was it F'? I guess that's the great part about tomorrow, it's still unwritten! I had a wonderful day today, I left school and spent the majority of my time getting sunburned on North Douglas with Corin, Tressmonster, and Bravo. We watched whales and sipped fruity concoctions. Later there was a feast of grilled swine. After that I got to spend some wonderful catch up time with two of my favorite ladies, and I laughed so hard that I cried until I thought I would die from the comedy. I love days like these. I feel incredibly lucky.
Here's hoping I didn't crash the Cessna of the semester into the Sea just yet.
Here's hoping I didn't crash the Cessna of the semester into the Sea just yet.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I love eaglecrest.

Now that I am proficient enough to skid and jerk and tumble my way down ptarmigan lift, I am privy to such beautiful beautiful scenery! It is the best. I went up again on Friday with Josh and Ian, and it was a joyful day. I was wearing my new helmet, and was glad of it for some of the falls I had. Spring Break is over and I am now accustomed to the good life, I don't know how on earth I am supposed to go back to working hard, honestly, how will I do it? Spring Break was a funny mix of things, maybe some day I will write more about it.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Sunday Sunny Sunday

It was yet *another* gorgeous weekend here in Beautiful Juneau! I am so excited for spring, summer, and all the good things that are rapidly speeding towards me, but I'm also loving the cold fresh winds and the sporadic snow that comes in between all of this ridiculous sunshine. I am a very happy lady with the conditions we're enjoying right now. I went up to eagle crest this morning solo, that was a new experience.. but just like seeing a movie by yourself for the first time, it's all good once you do it. It was a super peaceful day, and the snow was supreme-o. I spent the day on hooter mostly, and worked my technique, trying to make turns at all times instead of reverting to slip sliding down. I feel way improved though, and so it's very satisfying with each new thing that comes together. Like not always falling getting off the lift now! hoo-ray.
The rest of the weekend has been glorious as well, and I've done mostly all the things I like to do, except I have gotten zip zero zilch homework done. As Tim Gunn from project runway would say, "That worries me". I have a lot of stuff to get done, and even though spring break is coming up, I just feel like there is about to be a homework/test/school swarm storm of scholastic-ness. I guess if I write a lab report, and check in with lab assign I will feel a little better, but really I think I fret about a differential equations test coming up on Friday... goo.... Well, anyway,
while I wasn't doing homework, on Friday night I got to leave work early and come get home to get ready for Gallery Walk. It didn't end up being much of a walk around for me, as I spent most of my time at the AK state museum looking at the Ceramic styling of one certain Jeremy Kane. The show is definitely worth checking out! It spoke especially to my Appalachian sensibilities and love of road trips and the like.. good times. After checking that out, we made our way to Douglas for the opening performance of "Battles of Fire and Water" featuring my oh so talented big brother. Corin was great, this show also worth checking out. I'll have more to say after I see it again I think, but I enjoyed it- and the story is a good one. We went out in a biggish way after this was done, and so on Saturday I enjoyed a good sleep in, before going to breakfast with Corin, Emily, Kirsa, and Ryan. We drove the scion out the road to eagle beach and beyond, and got some really good views, sun, and fresh air. We stopped at the shrine for a time and free styled some good songs to the bird choruses in "natures healing". That night I went to a lovely party at Johanna and Dave and Claire's new place, before checking out some Bluegrass at the Coast Guard bar. I called it an earlier night in anticipation of springing forward, (I love how long these days are!)and then slept until eaglecrest today... a circular tale of my weekend. maybe some more fun pictures to be added later if we find kirsa's camera cord. Now to attempt some homework..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Sun Came Out on Saturday
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Bog or Swamp of Despair
Is kind of where I am right now. On the upside the day was mind blowing-ly beautiful. So was the sunset. I'll let you know when things look up. They often do after a nights sleep, so maybe tomorrow I'll have something better to say. And Hey, the sun is *actually* supposed to come out tomorrow!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Second Week of School.
And I have now officially missed my first class of physics. Because I overslept. Because I don't remember my alarm going off. Good things for sisters who wake you as they leave so you don't miss geometry too, but you know what.... this is going to be a semester long rockblock of woe methinks.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ain't it a laugh
Okay Monday, You win!
I acknowledge your victory, straight up. So at this point you can totally lay off, I mean, you're only making yourself look bad. There's a big difference between helping the other guy back up and saying "good game", and stealing the mascots helmet and running into the end zone for more victory dancing, and you've clearly chosen the latter. What does this all mean? What it means is, despite all my resolutions to be the best student ever, and to be ever prepared- I am such a sleepy girl at school, with a complete absence of books or school materials. It's probably because of, not despite, my best intentions. But I have faith that I can still pull it all off... or just pull it all together.
I also forgot that Math and Science classes do not play around. There is no casual reading of the syllabus, and then an early dismissal of first day of class.. there is jumping straight into the heart of it. At 8am, at 9am, they're off and running. I have already been through Physics and Geometry, with Differential Equations still to come. I now have a few hours to play catch up, so I'll look into books, financial aid, and all that fun stuff.
I will say that for all my sleepiness, I had the best hot tub in the world last night, with cool rain falling onto the steamy tub, and a gorgeous view of night time Alaska, complete with swaying trees and gusty wind gusts. I also went cross country out by the glacier which was also awesome but deserves its own post since i took pictures. For now, I just wanted to acknowledge my initial defeat at the hands of the university.
I acknowledge your victory, straight up. So at this point you can totally lay off, I mean, you're only making yourself look bad. There's a big difference between helping the other guy back up and saying "good game", and stealing the mascots helmet and running into the end zone for more victory dancing, and you've clearly chosen the latter. What does this all mean? What it means is, despite all my resolutions to be the best student ever, and to be ever prepared- I am such a sleepy girl at school, with a complete absence of books or school materials. It's probably because of, not despite, my best intentions. But I have faith that I can still pull it all off... or just pull it all together.
I also forgot that Math and Science classes do not play around. There is no casual reading of the syllabus, and then an early dismissal of first day of class.. there is jumping straight into the heart of it. At 8am, at 9am, they're off and running. I have already been through Physics and Geometry, with Differential Equations still to come. I now have a few hours to play catch up, so I'll look into books, financial aid, and all that fun stuff.
I will say that for all my sleepiness, I had the best hot tub in the world last night, with cool rain falling onto the steamy tub, and a gorgeous view of night time Alaska, complete with swaying trees and gusty wind gusts. I also went cross country out by the glacier which was also awesome but deserves its own post since i took pictures. For now, I just wanted to acknowledge my initial defeat at the hands of the university.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Taken by Josh's Iphone, how technology!
Friday was the last day of the working week in the last week before the weekend before school starts! If you follow me, what that really means is that it was a great day to take off work and go spend the day at EagleCrest. It was the perfect day for it, lots of snow kept falling, and though I don't know what kinds of snow are preferable for what kinds of winter sports, (being new to the game myself) I imagine that lots of it is usually a good thing! I bet that kind of thing is really subjective as well, but I digress.
After being assured by Josh that he was not too skilled at snowboarding, or that he would at least be patient with me, we made plans to get an early start on things, and Josh was a hero piloting his four wheel drive vehicle in possession of snow tires up the hill. I signed up for one of the afternoon classes, so that I could spend the morning getting my ass kicked by hooter. I recently bought the triple play learner's package,(found at www.skijuneau.com) and it is a pretty great deal! You get three days of rentals, lift tickets, and three lessons- all for a hundred bucks! It was truly an adventure, as green as I am to go face the horror and the humiliation of trying to get on the lift, and then to get off the lift, when you can barely get up with out falling. Having a friend along made it a blast though, and we had a great time falling down the mountain. I like to think if nothing else we brought a sense of style to mounting the lift. (If the term mounting the lift sounds strange, you can just imagine how much stranger it actually looked when we didn't just sit right into it like a pair of pros) I stuck to the tamer looking runs and toe edged my way down, while josh branched out a bit more. The conditions were lovely and it wasn't too crowded at all. Falls and all were fairly painless until I got a bit of speed up and caught my heel edge going backwards. There was a swift and sudden thumpity thump of me flying backwards, and catching a crack on the noggin. I took a moment getting up remembering my training from boxing (when you've taken a good enough hit to buckle you, you should always stay down or on a knee for a moment longer than you feel you need to) and just as I was thinking, oh this is silly- that wasn't too bad. I got a little shower of stars in the eyes, and then the taste of blood in the mouth.

There's the evidence of the blood!
It wasn't too bad of a fall in the end, I just bit my tongue, way back in the back- and it was a little blood happy. If you've ever been curious what trident blueberry pomegranate gum and blood mixed together tastes like, I'm the lady to ask. After that run Josh and I went into the lodge to warm up a little, and I went by the rental place to snag a helmet. You won't see me up there again this winter with out a helmet! I didn't not wear one on purpose, I just forgot. So then Josh went out to shred solo for a while, and I went back to less steep pastures for my lesson. This lesson was super awesome! I love the ski school people thus far. They are super friendly and encouraging, and I feel like I've made mega progress already. By the end of this lesson I was rocking the platter pull, and now feel like I have most of the basics in my head/body and know what I should be practicing. It was a little bit of a backwards day, but it was nice to end on a positive note (less falling). I was sore and exhausted by the end of the day, using muscles I'm not accustomed to using, but I am feeling super hooked. I have one more lesson left, and am looking forward to my next visit! Twas a great Friday day. Friday night is probably blog worthy too, but for now I must leave it.
On a side note, the picture of the blood in the snow came from my cell phone camera, and while writing this, I finally figured out how to use the blue tooth technology in phone and computer to send it here. SO exciting! Technology is magic! no wires!
I will always be impressed by stuff like that, and it opens up the world of using my cell phone pictures now!
until..? School starts Monday! Maybe this weekend will be a sneaky double blog.
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