I'm back and all brand new, that's correct- I'm writing from the airport again. This fine morning, (I can't tell how fine it'll be since it's still dark out) finds me in Columbus International enjoying the Fuh-ree internet connection, Did you hear that SEA-TAC?! and waiting to board the planes that will carry me west back to Juneau.
I've got lots to say, but don't I always? If people would only listen! The time at home flew by as always, and I can't believe it's time to go back, it's 2008, and classes start on Monday. I enjoyed my home time a lot, so that's good. And I'm actually excited for the next semester, though antsy nervous as always, so that's good too. I'm taking less credits so I can focus on being a good student and understanding my math homework, which equates to only 4 classes! Weird. I have Proofs with Blitz, which should be fun. Calc 2 with Seater, should get exciting (or scary). History with Noon, which should be awe-some, and Residential Wiring with a teacher I don't know. All in all it looks like a good schedule and as always I have high hopes for becoming a more perfect being in this new year. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if I make good on any of my goals.
I'm trying to stop cursing, and am semi successful so far. It's funny because when I do slip up I do the 12 year old reaction of grabbing my mouth as if to get the word back before I get punished. The difficulty I'm encountering though makes me realize it's a good thing to get in hand now... maybe my potty mouthed siblings add to the problem. ;)
I have lots of pictures of being home that I may post di-rectly. The hollow was lovely as always and for January it was SO balmy at times! I was walking around in a tank top, quite a contrast to the slush I'm returning to now.... I cut my hair recently, and it's been so long since it was short, I forgot how much fun it is to have it light and taking care of itself.
"I'm not there" came to Charleston of all places, and I'm missing it by leaving today! Oh the agony. I guess I'll just have to wait til it comes out on dvd.. as I already was... so to have it so close, stings!
This is all over the place, maybe because I'm sleepy and waiting to board. I'm feeling a tad scattery anyway... I'll leave it for now, then maybe come right back at you when you're least expecting it! tales from home later and a report of the new semester soon.