Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas From Sea-tac
Corin is flying solo, somewhere in Dallas now I think, but the benefit of his flight is that he will end up with mom and pops in Columbus *tonight*. I ain't complaining, I'm very very happy and excited t o be going home, I'm just a red hot wreck right now. So merry wishes and holly jollies from yours truly, more to follow soon.
PS. Travel on Xmas is TOTALLY not any slower than any other day, there are just a lot of crazies, and a lot of christmas attire.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What's going on?
2) Classes winding down, with a pretty good idea of exactly what's expected of me in the next few weeks, which should make the doing all the easier, but somehow, it's still oh so easy to slip into paralysis, like I'm doing right now with a paper that I've put off for far too long
And I have a head ache, but I'm happy, and tomorrow is thanksgiving, so have a happy one where ever and who ever you are. I hope mine is good, it kind of has a lot to live up to based on previous juneau years.
Oh, and if anyone wants to sponsor me going home for christmas this year, that would be great.
more soon.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
In Lieu of Words

Oh you, Clouds.

Nuff Said.

I guess this was actually chock full of words. But I've got more for you yet. Later.
This post got stuck in the space time continuum
It's so beautiful here again today. Sunny, good smelling, awesome.
I for the first time this semester skipped class when I wasn't forced to. I made the call that I could miss it to catch up on 1.5 hours of sleep, and when I woke up to Sly and the family Stone on kirsa's alarm clock, it was so obvious that it was worth it.
Then Adrienne did also skip class to go get thai food lunch with me, and it was delicious!
I sat on a rock in the middle of the court yard at school for a few hours and got sun and did homework, wrapped in a fleece blanket, and that was great too!
I'm wearing shorts over leggings today, and I love it! I think if more people dressed like dancers from Chorus Line every day, they would all feel energized and happy. The ability to bust a move in style at any moment right now is definitely enhancing my day. So, expect more
The moral of this story is some times it pays to sleep in, get thai food, and sit in the sun in a blanket dressed a little differently.
Lessons learned: 1) Don't skip class except very occasionally, because those days will be awe-awesome. 2)Wear shorts over leggings all the time. 3) Bring Two fleece blankets to school tomorrow. 4) listen to bob dylan in the learning center when you're writing a mid term english paper, because it tunes out the background distractions and annoyances, and it's really good.
Hoo-ray for today!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sunshine Sunday
Stealing Glasses: Success
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Really , Wednesday? Seriously...Wow!
So, early this morning the sun came up, I was lying in bed. And then later, getting ready for my communication class, I was rummaging in the garage, and would you believe that I felt a very painful pain in my foot, left, heel region. The sort of feeling that my mother would describe as "extreme discomfort". Well,folks, I picked up said foot to examine, and there I found a flat faced tack, embedded quite flush with the flesh in the foot. GROSS! I started to pull it out, which was hard to get a grip of, but the pain was terrible, worse even then the initial stab-a-doo. So, I steeled myself, gave the washing machine a firm grasp, and YANKED! out it came, no worries, off to the rest of the day.
Classes fine, Wednesdays are my days to catch up on homework- I did some reading/writing out on the boardwalk again, my new favorite spot! There are no yahoos being too noisy or annoying, but there is a beautiful lake, and lovely tree, and fresh air. And in my mind, the friendly Grammar Bear who lumbers by to give some friendly advice and shoot claw shaped commas into my paper.
Speaking of Papers, I should be writing one, RIGHT NOW! Why is it easy to write here and not there? Perchance dear reader because you don't tell me that my writing style is overly wordy, stylistically awkward, overly full of information, but technically grammatically correct. (I put more effort into grammar when it's homework) If you should get the urge to tell me however, feel FREE!!
Ok, so id better get back to it, but all in all, i am a happy enough camper-Rooney! Superbly duper even.
Plus, you know what? Every G.D.M.F I know wants to open a bakery, or a bike repair shop, or an organic something, or jc. crimminy people! Expect a rant on this, SOOON!
ok, ciao ciao for now!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
And then it was Wednesday
Shew, ok, shoutouts and plugging accomplished, I'm pretty much just trying to keep enough homework going that I can make it to another weekend and get ahead a little bit. We're working on Derivatives in Calculus right now, and they are the bomb diggy bomb bomb! I'm seriously loving calc so much this semester it's ridiculous. Just wait til it burns me, and then maybe I'll be singing a different tune, but the subject matter is suh-weet. As for other classes, well, wood working will be enjoyable tonight I'm sure, and acting is great, (if a little rough on the tongue muscles), but I'll save my rant about comm and english for another day.
So. There you have it for a time. Until we meet again. but it looks like i might be getting back in the blogging habit.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Some images and captured souls
Blue Sky Saturday
Last night I went to Zen, where I'd never gone before and had dinner with kirsa, johanna, and our dear friend, Miss J Rehfield, in honor of the fact that we needed to hang out with her, and she's moving to Fairbanks soon. It was a true delight, the food was quite good, we had a delicious bottle of chardonnay, it was a pleasure all around with a lot of laugh time. Which was awesome. Corin stopped by, and we went to check out a bluegrass band up from Canada, who were playing at the Alaskan. They were super nice. Kirsa had to split to go fill in for a radio show at KTOO, we stayed bar bound. I was dancing to a beautiful melody when i realized partway through that they were singing about West Virginia, which was quite the little heartwarmer, great song, great sentiment, it even shouted out Honey Suckle! All good things. I probably had too much to drink, probably slapped a few too many people (in a funny way), but it was a very good night. I enjoyed myself much, and it was what I wanted after a longish week. The laughter was the perfect antidote to earlier tension in the day that really was dogging me, so... good. It was also a fittting celebration to getting our first Calc tests back, and I got a .... 82! not an (A) I know, but I was more than happy with it, and I'll aim to get an A on the next one. No really I was very nervous to get it back, so I was seriously pleased, though I think our dear teacher was a bit generous with the class, however it was our first test of the year, so whatev.
Speaking of Teachers, and school, allow me to make the following brief outburst:
When teaching, it is important to maintain control of your class, classroom, and students, this focus and healthy learning environment will enable optimal information retained. The following should be discouraged, texting during class, talking to other students at full voice over the teachers, taking phone calls in the middle of class, and cutting up silently for the benefit of other students- Is that so fecking difficult to maintain? I say this because I love all of my classes this semester, but I can not tell you how much I do not love the majority of the students in my classes, they are straight up ignorant y'all, for the most part. It kills me... and though I haven't taught in an academic setting, i have taught for multiple years, and I feel there are some common principles between the two, and I really wish some teachers would start cracking some skulls..... alright, that's good enough for now.
So, Hopefully I can join flag football late this sunday, I didn't realize they already were off to a start. Tonight I have a few too many plans, so we'll see which actually emerges as the real one. I met a charming band, Barcelona, last night, and they're playing tonight, so I'm going to try to keep the weekend of music going. I'll check back in again sometime I hope.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
In August, In West Virginia
It is lush and green and lovely outside, I love the way the forest smells here. And so, here I sit, about to brave the outdoors again maybe, or to try and convince people to go swimming, How is it August already? Oh! the time flies. Preparations must be made to transport three young scholars (ha!) back north to their chosen university, how it will shake out in the end is any ones guess.
It is good to be home.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The 33rd Alaskan Folk Fest
I had such an amazing time at this folk fest, it was just fantastic. It's also so hard to describe. The general cheery attitude of the town, the jamming of musicians all over, and the never ending party in the alaskan hotel are three things that made me happy. I took as full advantage of it as I could, since I had to work some night shifts during the fest. I listened on the radio, (another fantastic element of the dealie is that you can hear it anywhere on the internet radio, which my parents on the east coast were happy to do, and my homesick friend in new zealand was able to do last year)
I went to the dances, and worked the mutha out! That is such a good venue to get your dance on, and boy did I get my dance on... but good. And I went to the hotel every night, with varying results. hahah. No, I kid- every single night I enjoyed the hell out of myself. It was truly truly truly one of the best couple of days in my life, even though I racked up a vicious sleep debt to enjoy it. I went home from the hotel a sample of three days, at 7am, 11am, and 6:30am. And the band kepta rolling all night long. What I feed off of in those beautiful old halls, beyond cheap watery beer and grabbing cute anonymous bluegrass bum, is the absolute passion of the musicians, who just keep on jamming in corners, in bedrooms, on sidewalks, on rooftop, until their fingers are literally bleeding, their backs aching, and they need a nap before they can do it all again the next day. Which they will, in the morning, get a bloody mary for breakfast, maybe go snowboarding during the day, and then do it once more with as much enthusiasm. And I love that. I love how joyously they do it, and what a good time there is to be had. Thus far the only way I've particpated in the scene with such fervor, is as a dancer, which I will surely keep doing, but do I now take part in a new way? Read to the next post and find out!
*Additional observation before the next post: There did seem to be a greater number of "fans" than musicians this year- which is the first time I have ever witnessed that... it wasn't necesarily bad, just different...
*2nd additional observation: There is no real reason for breaking this post into two, other than I felt like it.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
It has become abundantly clear to me
I dyed easter eggs last night, thanks to carley bringing over the eggs and the dye and easter decorations from mama lowe. It was very nice. I created a hobo egg, and a few others that I was proud of- kirsa and carley created their own stunning contributions as well of course. We took pictures of them, perchance when I get home I can show you what they look like, before they suffer a deviled egg grave. (since kirsa is crazy for the d.eggs) ( I mean crazy yo.)
The headache didn't stop, so after the eggs I did enjoy the face full of pillow- and sleep as it turned out was the only cure for it. I feel cautiously head ache free this morning.
So now today, Woah! I was about to say it, but it should have been the first thing i said:
some would say, Have you heard the good news? And then others would say, He has risen.
But that's kind of my year round line, so I don't really want to use it on Easter.... not that I use it in a blasphemeous sense or anything- it's just more unexpected the rest of the year. Anyway, so I went to work at 8 this morning, had an hour break and then came to work here- so now I'm just riding out the last 2 hours. Corin came by to visit, which was very nice- but then something he mentioned made me sad, so I'll just sad it out in the office for a little while, and then get out and enjoy this juneau moisture. And I do mean Enjoy.. beyond people being excited about snow leaving, or spring coming, I also really do like the rain being back... I think. I mean, at least it's like having someone get back into town.. I feel like "Hey mist and drizzle, how have you been?" I bet only the first hour of travel pictures and chat is exciting, and then you spend another half hour with just the two of you stirring your coffee around, until you can plausibly be all "Oh, I've got to go pick up my kid, but great to see you!" and you're both relieved.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Oh what a world we live in
Overall things have been going pretty well... this week was still pretty, and like spring always does, it seems like suddenly the snow has melted overnight, and there are all kinds of lawns and trees downtown that are making their presence known- not green yet, but the potential is there. Last night was Gallery walk, and so I first friday-ed all about the town... it's so nice to see people walking around everywhere, and I got to gallavant with johanna for the first time in a long time, which was a delight. There was good art as usual, and most especially I enjoyed seeing Rory's show, "Processim" at The Canvas.. Really awesome oil paintings, and I love the philosophy behind it, to look at the whole process rather than the finished product.. or put another way
"If both the keepers and the tossers were beautiful. If reducing the process to its result was not the acomplishment. If the entire creative process was the art instead of the art itself"
a little snippet there from the program/artist statement/whatever for the show- anway, definitely worth checking out- the green one and "The jester" were my fav-o-rites. What a talented little guy.
Johanna and I joined forces with Levi and Corin and went and checked out KTOO after that- a nice time, nice walking around weather yesterday.. there were some cool photos there, on the capital transit bus, and out the windows of the bus... that stuck my fancy, as I've always been enchanted with the blue lights during the night rides, and am a regular rider myself from time to time- OH! there was also another exhibit at KTOO of bear pictures that were too adorable, and quality as well. So to sum it up, before the exhibits are over, go check out KTOO, as well as The Canvas. After first friday I stuck myself like a bur or a seed that needed to travel into the long flowing locks of mr. fiehler, and went and saw TOMMY again. And no, that totally does not make 8 times, in case you're wondering...... it makes half that. Ha. It was a really good show- I thought the band was particularly rocking, and that deaf, dumb, and blind kid truly did play a mean pinball. Miss Rachel Landon, who portrayed Mrs. Walker really impressed last night, but she's always a great part of the show. As I sit here selling ticket after ticket, I warn you Juneau, see this show, or regret it all your days! (as you will if you miss any perseverance show, because they're all good) (except for the ones that aren't) (but they've been all good for so many in a row now, you've gotta catch them all, like pokemon back in the 90s)
Well Gee whiz, this post is just full of plugs, but I only recomend what I really like- so do listen.
anyway, I had a headache last night, and I did also have nearly half a bottle of wine, but I had a shower, ibpfofin, and half a vicodin this morning, and this headache seriously will not leave me alone... Zounds. I think I'm going to keep enjoying this "champagne of mangos" mango that I got in my box this week, and read the seagull for my last hour of work... a break and then more work elsewhere tonight... maybe a party in the valley... or maybe a face full of pillow if the headache doesn't stop. Until then....
Sunday, April 01, 2007
And the train keeps rolling all night long
Last night was the $500 kareoke constest at the Rendevous, which was well deservedly won by Salissa. The whole pack of singers was extremely enjoyable though. Highlights included Cody and Zach taking "Footloose" to a whole new level, The Herminator owning "Bust a move", DCG's mastery of "wicked game", and Corin as usual stripping down to his underwear.
It was an especially nice time because it was such a convergence of people all out at the same time, people getting back into town, people who don't usually go out and so on. So all in all, a lovely night.
The pictures below are thanks to the beatiful Sara. As you can see for yourself, Jeff is quite the fancy pants dancer. PJ joined Kirsa and I in a very special version of "I think I love you" By the Partridge Family, delightful. Kirsa actually brought her camera out as well, so maybe later I'll put some more photos up.
As for now, I'm once again just enjoying the sun like a house cat would, and answering the phone occasionally... I was feeling the itch to see TOMMY again, even more so because I hear they've been rocking out and Corin is going to see it tonight, but I'll have to wait til next week because tonight is john leo's clown show, and i've got to go see that insteadsies.
that's all i got.
Friday, March 30, 2007
I believe my own eyes
I just came home a bit late after a good time had at a friends house- and I had to turn off Egan into old glacier on the way down town just so I could look at the moon and what it was doing to this cloud, illuminating it.. the first cloud strip of stretching on, hanging all the way down the channel and actually literally hugging the hills that crest just below the base of the bigger mountains on the douglas side of things, breathtaking! whist enjoyment of this was occuring I realized that there were stars too, but also because I have class of trig in 5 hours I had to keep driving down town.
When I got here, I parked the car and stood on the icy street for a bit to enjoy it more, and as I kept cycling through trees, cloud, moon, star, trees, cloud, moon, star, trees, cloud, moon, star! I looked back behind me and saw that the moon was also illuminating the avalanche path in a gorgeous way, and the snow against the dark was just striking. And all at once I felt like me standing there on the street, I was between the mountain and the moon hanging over the channel, and they were obviously having this silent very wise conversation.. and as soon as I felt that feeling of being the third person watching two other people talk, the presence of both just got more and more tangible, and so I said goodnight (secretly wishing I could just fly on the wall the two of them and watch them talk all night and they wouldn't get weirded out) and went inside. They're not the sort of people you can give the good night kiss on the cheek to, but the sentiment was definitely there.
and so, now class is in 3 hours and 40 minutes roughly, so I better get some shut eye. Wonder if the tests will be graded yet, I hope so! that's the most fun in a while ive had taking a math test, so i hope that bodes well. I watched goood night and good luck in history today, pretty good actually. ok, enough! love love!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Sunning in my corner office
I had a late-ish night last night out and about. It was Brady's birthday, and it was a really good time. I got a pretty good bruise on the shin from a sliding on my knees dance explosion that was more on the edge of the stage than the stage itself, but that was but a small part of all the dancing that took place. What with accidentally kicking a glass off the bar, seeing johanna out, and hanging out with Levi (and his amazing new sidekick of a car) I'd have to give the night an A.
This last week was the first one back after break, and im pretty ready to be done with the semester- but I don't know what I'm doing during the summer though, so it's good that we're not there yet. My math teacher, whom im quite fond of had a heart attack and is pretty good condition i believe in anchorage.. so we have a replacement right before this next test, and that part is not so good, although obviously having a heartattack is worse. I'm trying to finish up my paperwork for exchange in the spring of next year, i hope my disorganization and lateness in all that i do doesn't screw me over there. I'm supposed to work everynight this week at the new job, that should be quite the different experience. I should pedal my tandem bicycle to the metal and the mettle and study and work until the semster is over, but there is always something fun to do, and now that the smell and feel of spring is in the air, it's going to be a toughie.
So, I'd say all in all, things are good... and I'm a pretty happy little clam. Tonight I believe there is scheduled trio time, maybe even in black tie attire, so maybe I'll report back on that, until then I hope people everywhere are enjoying the beginnings of spring. (if you're somewhere where it's not spring, then I hope you're enjoying whatever you're beginning or ending)
I actually never really saw the value of spring when I was younger, but the older I get the more I appreciate it... nifty.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Back in the Full Circle Saddle?
All is well in the Juneau Kingdom.. another week gets past me all too soon- a math test coming up that I have to study, A bio and history test handed back already that were both satsifactory- and all in all, niceness in life.
I worked all day today at Full Circle, hence the title... and even though it was an oddly long day compared to past experience, it was still very enjoyable- this despite being nauseous and acidic in my tum, and sleepy in my brain... there is something that is just so enjoyable about moving boxes that are waxy and cool from refrigeration, covered with organic dirt... sorting sacks of tatoes, observing the nuances in different stages of yam rot.. it's a happy making sort of job, and the people there are just so nice and friendly and fun to work with, it really blows your mind a little.. nice to know such places exist- there was a bigwig up from seattle and we got free lunch at chan's kitchen, cherry on top of the day! AND it was seriously, one of the most beautiful days that I've seen in forever, triple cherry on top!!! sunshine, blue skies, makes me think my parents will get their customary non juneau weather when they come up to visit... which is soon, so I have that to look forward to as well!
To tuck all that in, I'm twitterpated- which is fun and yet distracting?
Lastly, I will bid a good evening with these two discoveries I made about veggies and fruits today-
Blue Potatoes: WOW!!! they are seriously blue and have an "awesome radial pattern like a starbursting" inside of them. I'm talking like purple holmes, check these out for real!
and Blood Oranges: Ok, so I'm late to this party, but who cares?! Delicious! And bloody! No, really just a lovely shade of juice that is ruby and that word for a shade of red that starts with a (c), damn, can't remember... anyway, check it out.
Both are: Colorful, Delicious, and Fun.
Ok, the last one was a lie, now i really will say goodnight- but also did you know today was fat tuesday and tomorrow starts lent?! What should I give up for 40 days? I don't know! I guess if I don't know what I should give up by instinct, then it might be a bit harder to stick to. I'll let you know if i pick something.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Point me, in the direction of Albuquerque!!!
Well! What if I told you that Katie White and Lou Logan's combined birthday party this year was a wild kingdom dress as your favorite animal party?! And that I was supposed to perform in the bump and grind as part of a choregraphed trio dancing to "Love will Keep us together" by Capt. and Tenille? And that I was supposed to speak in support of the Theatre program in an effort to get a Major here at UAS- and that those respective events were happening Saturday, Friday, and Friday? And what if I told you that I would be missing the Fungi lab on friday afternoon, as well as two morning classes on friday, as well as a Saturday morning class? making it a grand total of three classes and one lab missed?!? Maybe I should go a bit further and tell you that after Matt used his brainwashing ability on me and talked me into saying I was going, that I went to talk to my dawg K-money and his advice was to call Dave Tallmon, biology teacher extraordinaire, as well as the leader of the potentially absent lab, at his home. What If I went further still and told you that I did call him, and his advice was to "Follow your conscience" and "Do what you think is right" and such other helpful tidbits... he then went on to say that he knew what he would do, but there was no point in telling me, because that shouldn't influence my decision. Thanks Dave! No thanks! no, really, real thanks.. even though it wasn't helpful in the least, it was another step in the decision making process. The final guess what else?! is a bit more cloudy in purpose and has neither a greater amount of substance or style (that doesn't make any sense I know) and is that I was hoping to hang out with someone in particular this weekend, because I have a bit of a crush... but we'll leave that at that.
So where does that leave me? Hanging in the balance, weighing missed social engagements, the responsibility of being a student, and a boy against the idea that you never really regret going places in my experience, and road trips are always fun, and seeing nature and being all thoughtful is usually a good life thing.
I went to a little study session at campus, freaked out a bit, and then thankfully Peter reminded me there was contact improv tonight! So, downtown I did travel, and it was everything I had hoped it would be and more. As always. Seriously people, contact contact improv!!! There is nothing better. Afterwards I felt the warm glow you can only feel after such activity, and was also happy having had a mini reunion of clowns, and got more advice from more people, although unfortunately I don't seem to have anyone that I've asked yet, who can tell me why they are the end all be all in advice giving.
And So, Here I sit. It is 11- I have to be at the ferry in five hours if I'm going. And who wants to be tired on the Ferry ride? Not this guy. If I'm going. I have to pack. If I'm going. I have to get penguin costume makings. If I'm not going.
Decisions, decisions, I am so not good at making you. This must be the biggest proof that I'm still not a big kid. I think you have to stop wanting people to make choices for you in order to count as a grown up. In which case I definitely don't. I realized I did have an end all be all in advice giving, and called home- hahah. But unfortunately dear parents in WV are sleeping, sweetly I hope. But maybe I am a grown up, and I'm just a crackpot who'll always be indecisive, hopefully not crippingly to my life, friends or loved one, or productivity in society. But I do rememebr now that I think about it, a whole bunch of mundane decisions that I could take forever to make, and then my dad said "Oh, yeah. You are crazy I guess". But for now I'm just going to think that maybe someday I'll grow into some decision making muscles. I hope so.
Is this thing on????
Friday, February 02, 2007
Maybe I'm crazy
Monday, January 29, 2007
I mean, Come! On!
I just got back from Clown Camp- this was my second time, and it was delightfully restorative just as before. Really Wonderful, truly. It was incredibly beautiful this Saturday as well, blue skies and sun, and what better way to enjoy than to wander around outside in the woods blindfolded with a clown nose on? Answer: None!
But in anycase the transistion back to the "real world" is tiring, (but good) and so I'm going to call it a night.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Abraham Lincoln
In other news, my brother turned 23 yesterday, can't really wrap my head around that one too well. We went out after he got done with Question of Mercy, now playing on the second stage at the theatre, definitely go check it out, and I saw the Rory show- which was fantastic of course, check him out at northern light again sometime after TOMMY closes. Anyway, good times, good people, glad to see him and Ericka back in town.. Overall it was a really nice night. More soon, we'll be back in touch with the internet on tuesday in our house, and that will be good.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
If I only could...
I'm sitting here sniffling and snorting, sounding much like bear the dog when he's happy, only I'm not overly excited about being a phlegmish factory of sorethroatdom- but so it goes.. in brighter news- I went to see the opening of Raven Odyssey on saturday night, J. Herrmann awesome person extroidinare hooked up some awesome tickets, and awesome levi kept me company, and the show was just awesome- So I was pretty much surrounded by awesomeness.
No, seriously, the show was fantastic. It's funny, it's serious, it's touching, and it's really just full of great stories. I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did at all.. I totally want to see it again. Jake Waid who plays the title character of Raven is amazing in it. He really has a touch of something, and is very very funny. I was filling the theatre with my distinctive (I guess) laugh all through out the first act, because I was congratulating another one of the actors after the show and they said they could hear where I was sitting because of it. Not to let Jake steal all the glory, the rest of the cast is very enjoyable as well. Kalani something or other is an out of towner who is very enjoyable as well, Alan, all of them! I don't know how this turned into a quasi review with some names sprinkled in, but if anyone in juneau reads this and hasn't seen the show, I give it my total recomendation.
I went to a going away party for someone after the show, that was fun. It evolved into another party, with the bonus addition of a super duper fun friend being in from out of town, actually lots of fun people being in town, and it turned out to be one of the most most fun nights I've had recently. Truly a good time, and I love when that happens.
The snow continues, and I'm still enjoying it very much. I found an apartment downtown, and so though I'm sad to be saying goodbye to the fritz cove house I loved so well, I'm very excited about moving downtown, and living with Kirsa and Corin again.
I guess there is a lot more I could say, this started out being a post about monopoly jr. and how much lamer that is than monopoly, and I didn't get anywhere near saying that, although now I guess I just did.. don't really feel a need to elaborate do I? I think anyone in their sane mind knows that it's true. In any case I guess I could go on and on at the moment, but I think I'm going to turn my attentions towards finishing this movie that I started the other day, because I'd hate to only see half, and I really should go to sleep because I hear that besides laughter it's like the #2 medicine..
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
News Flash
Also: The Kinks are apparently truly truly good to listen to. I love it. During this break, Kirsa has been a downloading fiend, and there is so much good music and I love it when a lot of it is by one band or person, and I find something new to love. Example number 2: The Bee gees have so many songs I have loved all my life and I didn't know they were all by them- how crazy.
Read a good play tonight too, and now have to go sleep soon, because I have work tomorrow. And as annie says, the sun will come out, tomorrow- and I'm betting my bottom dollar because I'm stressed and depressed (not too much though) about money and school and all kinds of things. So it's time to stick out the chin and grin and pack organic vegetables. Ooh, another bright note, I talked to a friend I hadn't spoken with in a while and that was great. And bear the dog seems to be doing well too. I'll focus on the positives here, and catch you all on the flippy flop.
Bring it, 2007!
the point now is that, also- after having talked to my pops today, I might have finally come to some peaceful posistion in my soul that will enable me to be in the right frame of mind for school and life, but I say its tentative... but fingers crossed- and so my release to the press- my take home message for 2007- is bring it on. I'm ready for you pal, and we're going to mix it up with the whole god damn crew, scrapping and mixing it up (a scrapadoodle if you will) and loving every god damn minute of it.