Sunday, November 27, 2005
After Thanksgiving and King Island
So thanksgiving was nice, I got to sleep in for the first time in a while. It was a little disturbing at first that I couldn't stop feeling like there was someplace I was supposed to be, or something I should be doing. We chilled out at the lodge get together on housing for a time, and sampled some of joel's famous cranberry sauce- It lived up to the reputation, and cranberry sauce is one of my favorite parts of the whole deal. We went over to Boni and Carley's after that, and it was a very nice enviroment.. we ate late and everyone was relaxing, some napping with the cat, some pie, a little bit more napping, a board game, lots of laughs.. it was a really good time.. It felt like we were another step closer to being big kids. To end the night I went downtown and saw rent. It was funny because I thought it might be sold out, since it was opening/thanksgiving but it was practically empty aside from the poeple I was with. So all in all, a good thanksgiving.
King Island meanwhile is closer and closer to opening, we're almost there! Today we had the full orchestra in the space, as well as the adult chorus, the youth chorus and the principals. So many people!! It can be overwhelming to deal with at times, but it's also really exciting.. Everyone is sounding great, and it was even cooler to have the music backing them today. Also, The Principals put on their full costumes- it was wonderful.. they range from the really cute to the really funny. Some overalls, some boots, some cosby sweaters. Anyway, I took a couple of pictures and so here they appear. I need to take some more tomorrow, this is such an awesome production I need to document it....... I have to say, singing along to myself today, I realized- I came in with doubts about the story and the music, and at this point it's not just being saturated with the show- I'm actually sold on it. I love the music, I love the story, I'm actually affected by it... and that's a good thing.
King Island meanwhile is closer and closer to opening, we're almost there! Today we had the full orchestra in the space, as well as the adult chorus, the youth chorus and the principals. So many people!! It can be overwhelming to deal with at times, but it's also really exciting.. Everyone is sounding great, and it was even cooler to have the music backing them today. Also, The Principals put on their full costumes- it was wonderful.. they range from the really cute to the really funny. Some overalls, some boots, some cosby sweaters. Anyway, I took a couple of pictures and so here they appear. I need to take some more tomorrow, this is such an awesome production I need to document it....... I have to say, singing along to myself today, I realized- I came in with doubts about the story and the music, and at this point it's not just being saturated with the show- I'm actually sold on it. I love the music, I love the story, I'm actually affected by it... and that's a good thing.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Meanwhile in Juneau
All is well, very well considering how close the end of the semester is, and how busy I am with king island.. quite plausibly I could be feeling a lot less happy and a lot more stressed, and yet I'm not. I'm in a pretty happy spot right now and that's really good. I have a ton of pictures and I haven't taken the time to learn how to put them up here, I'm sure it's simple so maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow.. I thought I'd post something up here anyway though in case any lonely people in west virginia were reading this. King Island is going well, We're getting near the homestretch I guess, so that's nice. We did a stumble/run through the show last night and I was very pleasantly suprised by how it went. There were actually quite a few moments that I was excited by, and "Whistle to the Northern Lights" was just beautiful. I admit I was skeptical of this show, but now I find myself singing the songs all the time... It does seem a little like brain washing though considering how much I have to hear them during the week.. I'm saturated by it. It got rainy today, wet wet rain instead of juneau misting, and I loved it! It was a lot warmer today too. So many days here I feel like the weather matches my mood- so cool! Now we just need to have a lot of snow in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
A weekend in Sitka

Thursday, November 03, 2005
It's Snowing!!!
I'm so excited! what was earlier belonging to the slush family has now made it's way clearly into the snow family and is coming down most beautifully. Walking across the courtyard just now at school, the flakes were such fatties and so soft, it was amazing to look straight up. It brings back memories of last winter... it's funny that it was just the right kind of snow because earlier I had been telling corin that it wouldn't snow today, but when it did this specific kind would knock his socks off... So I hope it's the same way downtown and he's getting to enjoy it. I need to get back to my studies now I guess, but I feel like running around..
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Life After False Eyelashes
It's November already, oh my god! Halloween weekend has come and gone.. it was a good one- looking back to last year, I didn't know then that I would be in Juneau once again, but I think it's a good place to be.. This town, and more specifically this school gets way more into the spirit than other places I've been. Friday night was Rocky Horror night, and so I ended up in a crazy mish mash of clothes that centered around some gym short shorts I found at the thrift shop- Alot of skin, but over all very comfortable... I borrowed my sister's wig, and got so attached to it that I wore it saturday night as well.. I got alot of comments to go pink and short for real, but I don't know if that's happening anytime soon.. I'm such a scaredy cat for changing appearances, but I'll keep it in mind if I get the urge to cut my hair. Saturday night I was a stripper mummy... so less mummy wraps and the wig and eyelashes still fit it. We went to the school dance, and then to a party. It was good times, much laughs and dancing- I stayed at a friend's house and when we woke up sunday it was like christmas morning.. everyone was at the house, we cooked a big breakfast, and put music on and it was just so pleasant! Got an extra hour of sleep- (although it means the dark is creeping in) After hanging around a while I went out to the glacier with brady and my brother- I didn't have any clothes other than what I had been wearing, so even though I was sans wig, I still had the eyelashes and hotpants and high heels.. that was an adventure to wander around the beach in heels... it was the perfect place to go after eating, so peaceful out there, and totally with out people.. Corin also had some eye makeup left over from the night before, so the two of us combined with Brady's normality probably made up the weirdest trio the ranger had ever seen to stroll into the visitor center on a sunday afternoon. It was a good experience to trek around juneau nearly naked, it certainly upped my comfort level with my body- and aside from when I would see my reflection, I would forget that I was dressed as I was.. completey confirms that I could thrive in a nudist community. That night was the last night of outdoor ultimate frisbee- I missed way too much of the season, I can't believe we're going indoors already.. but then again I can't believe it's november. Frisbee was good times as well, I got to make some sliding catches and just running around was fun.. It was the perfect weekend- every weekend should be so good. Do I miss the lashes and the wig? Sure- more the lashes though, I'm seriously adjusting to seeing my eyes with out, they look naked a little.. I did dress up one more time on monday- in a decidely unglamourous state I impersonated Brian Blitz, my math teacher- lesson learned: Doo-rags, Bajas, layered thermal shirts, and soft pants are incredibly comfortable. I was also suprised by how well the look was recieved by some of the fellows in juneau.. maybe I was projecting my self confidence by refusing to bow to fashion standards, or maybe they just thought I was a hardcore alaskan... Either way it was cozy, I hope I didn't creep out my teacher too bad, because He's the best and coolest math teacher ever... I think alot of my happiness comes from the fact that I'm caught up in school too.. I even did laundry for the first time in a month, which as you can imagine boosted my morale and hygeine points. I'll see if I can figure out how to throw some more pics up here- otherwise I guess I'll do a little bit more chilling out..
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